Rikers jail ‘imposter’ gets thrown in the clink

A Yonkers man who snuck onto Rikers Island by allegedly impersonating a Department of Correction employee — and even moved inmates between cells — was busted yesterday, sources said.

Matthew Matagrano, 36, was arrested at a Bronx courthouse last night when he showed up claiming to be a “correction investigator” and was recognized by correction officers, a DOC spokesman said.

The DOC didn’t notice until Thursday that Matagrano — who had access to Rikers for at least a week — had been entering the facility.

He raised the suspicions of Rikers guards when he moved inmates from one cell to another, but he wasn’t collared at that time, a law-enforcement source said.

The convicted sex offender last made headlines in 2004 when he used Department of Education ID to sneak into a Queens school and look through confidential student records.

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Rikers jail ‘imposter’ gets thrown in the clink